5 minute read

The first step I took on the compiler was to write the Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) grammar for the language. You can check it out here.

After that, I wrote a simple lexer which transforms the input source code into a list of tokens, handling imports on the way. Tokens are represented with a Rust union. The lexer also outputs a TokenLoc struct along with each token which stores the location of the token in the source code, in order to be able to output fancy error messages.


The next step was writing a parser which takes the list of tokens and builds an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Each node in this tree represents an expression. For example, a function node represents a x: exp expression, which contains a argument ID and a child expression where the argument ID is bound. One of the requisites I wanted to have was a way to easily annotate the AST. I did this by adding a generic type parameter to the Exp struct (which represents a node), and adding an annotation field to this struct.

So, the task of the parser is to produce an AST annotated with the TokenLoc structs of the tokens consumed to parse the expressions. The following is an example of the outputs of the lexer & parser, from a simple two files input:

# flip_lib.tmc
    flip = x: match x {
        '0' > '1',
        '1' > '0',
# flip_single.tmc
import 'flip_lib.tmc'
t: set (flip (get t)) t

This program flips a single bit at the head of the tape. The output of the lexer is:

----------- Tokens -----------
let flip = x : match x { '0' > '1' , '1' > '0' , } , in t : set ( flip ( get t ) ) t

This list of tokens is then fed to the parser which outputs the following AST (the $ represent function applications, and annotations are ommited for simplicity):

------------ AST -------------
. flip =
. . x:
. . . match
. . . . x
. . . . _ @
. . . . . '0'
. . . . . '1'
. . . . _ @
. . . . . '1'
. . . . . '0'
. t:
. . $
. . . $
. . . . set
. . . . $
. . . . . flip
. . . . . $
. . . . . . get
. . . . . . t
. . . t


The next step for the compiler was to define the types of the expressions, or, in other words, annotate the AST with the types of the expressions. The difficult part of this is that the types of the expressions are not explicitly given in the grammar, but are inferred from the context. This is done in the following steps:

  • traverse the AST and annotate each expression with a placeholder ‘unresolved’ type.
  • for each expression, store the casts needed to make sure the program is type-correct (e.g.: get t causes t to be casted to &tape).
  • resolve the unresolved types by analyzing the type graph generated from the casts.
  • finally, replace the placeholder types with the actual resolved types.

The third step was the most difficult, because of tape ownership and choosing whether to resolve to union or symbol. I did this by hard-coding some simple cases. For example, if there is an unresolved type which, which is casted to from &tape, then it is resolved to &tape, since if the tape isn’t owned it can’t be magically owned again. However, if the type is casted to from tape, it can’t be resolved to tape since it could also be resolved to &tape. However, if we know that this type is casted to tape, then since &tape doesn’t cast to tape we can resolve it to tape. A similar logic follows for the union and symbol types.

For simplicity, the first step in the type graph analysis is removing every function type cast and switching it to simpler ‘atomic’ casts. For example, a cast from tape -> unresolved1 to unresolved2 -> tape can be split into 4 casts: tape to unresolved2, unresolved2 to tape, unresolved1 to tape and tape to unresolved1.

The final result of the whole process is the following annotated AST:

-------- Annotated AST--------
let ((tape -> tape))
. flip =
. . x: ((symbol -> symbol))
. . . match (symbol)
. . . . x (symbol)
. . . . _ @
. . . . . '0' (symbol)
. . . . . '1' (symbol)
. . . . _ @
. . . . . '1' (symbol)
. . . . . '0' (symbol)
. t: ((tape -> tape))
. . $ (tape)
. . . $ ((tape -> tape))
. . . . set ((symbol -> (tape -> tape)))
. . . . $ (symbol)
. . . . . flip ((symbol -> symbol))
. . . . . $ (symbol)
. . . . . . get ((&tape -> symbol))
. . . . . . t (&tape)
. . . t (tape)

Borrow checking

The last validating step of the compiler is enforcing the tape ownership rules. With the types resolved, this becomes easy: its enough to check if there is a function application which should receive &tape and instead receives tape. One example program which breaks this rule is t: set (get (next t)) t, which produces the following AAST:

-------- Annotated AST--------
t: ((tape -> tape))
. $ (tape)
. . $ ((tape -> tape))
. . . set ((symbol -> (tape -> tape)))
. . . $ (symbol)
. . . . get ((&tape -> symbol))
. . . . $ (tape)
. . . . . next ((tape -> tape))
. . . . . t (tape)
. . t (tape)

The faulty expression is get (next t). get receives &tape, but next returns tape. With the borrow checker on, compiling this program will fail with the error:

annotator error: Application of &tape function at line 1, column 9 received owned tape which violates ownership rules

Whats next?

Now that we have a type-annotated AST and know that the program is sound, the next step is to simplify it as much as possible to make it easier to generate turing machines. I will write about this process in the next post.
