6 minute read

Since the last post I ended up simplifying the type and ownership checking greatly. One of the changed was to make the following transformations to the AST before running the type annotator (more on this later):

  • replace let bindings with applications.
  • remove unused variables.
  • deduplicate variable ids.

After annotating AST with the types for each expression, the next step is to make it as easy as posible to generate Turing machines from the AAST.

The goal

First, we need to determine how exactly the resulting AST should look like. We can think of a tape -> tape function as a Turing machine. Simplifying the AST so that only tape -> tape function applications are left (and builtin functions like set) should make the generating process a lot easier.

The one other type of expression we need to worry about are match expressions. Ideally, the resulting match expressions should all be of the form match get t { pat > exp, ... } where t is a tape, all exps are tapes and all pats are constant: that is, they should be comprised of only union and symbol expressions (no function applications, ids, etc). There shouldn’t be any captured variables in the patterns too. Since all matches end up taking the form match get t ..., we can simplify them to match t ....

This way, a match expression represents the possible transitions from a state, which, once again, should make it straightforward to generating machines.

How to get there

Since some of the simplifications can be done without type annotations, while others require them, we will do this in two stages: one before annotation and one after annotation.

Applying transformations

In order to simplify transforming the AST, I added the transform method to the data structure which takes a function, f, recurses into the subexpressions and then calls f on the resulting expression. This way, if f is a function which simplifies the AST, we can implement it assuming that subexpressions are already simplified.

Before annotation

Let bindings

The first step we will do is to get rid of let bindings. How exactly? Well, let expressions are just syntactic sugar for function applications. For example, the program let x = a, y = b, in y is equivalent to (x: (y: y) b) a. Applying this simplification is trivial and can be done in a single pass. It also frees us from having to deal with let expressions in later operations, such as the type checking.

Removing any patterns

Removing any patterns early means that all of the following transformations don’t need to handle them anymore. First, we collect every symbol used in the program, and then, we just replace every any pattern with a union pattern with all of those symbols. To exemplify, match s { '0' > '1', any > s, } becomes match s { '0' > '1', '0' | '1' > s,}. The second pattern repeats '0', but it isn’t a problem since we can remove duplicate patterns later on. We can’t remove the function applications right now because the patterns may contain function applications which haven’t been removed yet.

Trivial applications

There are three functions which are trivial to apply - identity functions, application functions and unused argument functions:

  • the identity function application (x: x) y should be replaced with y;
  • the application function application (x: f x) y should be replaced with f y;
  • the unused argument function application (x: f) y should be replaced with f; Since these functions can come up again later, we may need to rerun this transformation.

Combining the transformations

With the transformations defined, we just need to apply them in the correct order, using the transform method. Removing the let bindings, becomes, for example:

  let ast = ast.transform(&simplifier::let_remover::remove_lets);

Where the remove_lets function is a function which receives an expression and returns it, with its let bindings removed, if it was a let expression.

After annotation

Removing gets

Since match get t and match t should become the same thing, we can just replace every get t with a match expression of the form match t { '0' > '0', ... }. This way, set (get t) t would become, for example: set (match t { '0' > '0', ... } t). In a later transformation, we should move the match expression to the right place.

Moving matches

Matches should always be at the root of tape -> tape function expressions. The previous example, set (match t { '0' > '0', ... } t), should then become match t { '0' > set '0' t, ... }. The transformation itself is:

  • if the current expression is an application of the form (match e { p > f, ... }) arg, it should be replaced with match e { p > f arg, ... };
  • if the current expression is an application of the form f (match e { p > arg, ... }), it should be replaced with match e { p > f arg, ... };


As I mentioned earlier, one of the goals is to have an AST with only tape -> tape function applications. To get there, we need to apply every non-tape -> tape function application in the AST. Exemplifying, (s: t: set s t) '0' becomes t: set '0' t. Since after applying the function the whole expression changes (s is replaced by '0', in this case), we need to call transform again on the subexpressions.

Removing captured variables

Match arms may capture the variables which match their patterns. This is done by using the @ operator, for example: match s { x @ '0' | '1' > f x, }. We can simplify this by replacing the arm with multiple arms, one for each symbol which may be captured, and adding a function application to each expression. Then, the previous example becomes match s { '0' > (x: f x) '0', '1' > (x: f x) '1', }.

Since the patterns may contain function applications, we can only apply this transformation after simplifying each pattern into union and symbol expressions. Since transform recurses first, we have the guarantee that the patterns are already simplified, and are just union and symbol expressions.

Removing constant matches

Match expressions which take a symbol expression as input (therefore constant and already known at compile time) can be evaluated at compile time: match 'x' { 'x' > a, 'y' > b,} becomes a. T

Merging matches which match another match

Match expressions which take another match expression as input can be merged. For example, match match x { '0' > '1', '1' > '0', } { '1' > 'a', '0' > 'b', } is equivalent to match x { '0' > 'a', '1' > 'b', }, so we just need to find for each arm in the outer match an arm in the inner match whose expression matches the outer arm’s pattern.

Merging arms with the same expression

If there are two match arms with the same expression, we can merge them into a new arm whose pattern is the union of the two patterns. For example, match x { '0' > 'a', '1' > 'a', } becomes match x { '0' | '1' > 'a', }.

Deduplicating match patterns

If there are multiple arms which match the same pattern, we can remove the extra symbols from the patterns, or if the patterns become empty, remove the arms entirely. For example, match x { '0' > 'a', '0' | '1' > 'b', '1' > 'c', } becomes match x { '0' > 'a', '1' > 'b', }.

Combining the transformations

Once again, its just a matter of applying the transformations in the correct order, and we get the final AAST.

Whats next?

With the AST simplified, the only remaining task is to write the turing machine generator. I will write about it in the next post..
